Laravel 5 Eloquent Relationships


In the previous tutorial, we created the views, basic controllers and routes for our Laravel admin panel. In this tutorial, we will focus on Laradmin database design and development. We will use Eloquent ORM and Laravel Migrations to achieve that. Laradmin is a tutorial project that we are working with throughout these tutorial series.

Topics to be covered

In this tutorial, we will cover the following topics
  • Tutorial prerequisites
  • Laradmin Database Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
  • Laradmin Database Dictionary
  • Laradmin Models and Migrations
    • Database configuration
    • Database migration files
    • Laravel Eloquent one to many relationship
    • Laravel Eloquent many to many relationship
  • Laravel Tinker
  • Tutorial Challenge

Tutorial prerequisites

  • You understand the basics of Laravel 5. If you do then I recommend you start with these Laravel 5 Tutorial series. This tutorial also assumes you know eloquent ORM basics. If you do not then I recommend you start with this tutorial Laravel 5 Eloquent ORM
  • You have PHP, MySQL and Apache up and running
  • You have composer installed
  • You have a text editor or IDE that supports PHP.
  • You have a modern web browser that supports HTML5
Laradmin Database Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a modelling tool that provides a graphical representation of the database objects (tables, views), attributes and the relationships between them. The following image shows the tables and relationships for our admin panel.
Laravel Admin Panel ERD
We used a modular approach to organizing our views and controllers. We have used the same concept to group the tables.

Laradmin Database Dictionary

The following table describes the database tables and fields for our Laravel admin panel.
Author: Rodrick Kazembe | Date: 2016-02-17 | Version: 1
All tables will have the following files common fields for record audit purposes
1created_atTimestampTimestamp when record was created
2updated_atTimestampTimestamp when record was last updated

E-Shop Data Entry Tables

Table: Brands
2nameVARCHAR(245)Brand name
3remarksVARCHAR(500)Brand remarks
Table: Categories
2nameVARCHAR(245)Category name
3remarksVARCHAR(500)Category remarks
Table: Products | Assumptions: At any given time, a product can only have a single brand but can belong to more than one category.
2nameVARCHAR(255)Product name
3descriptionVARCHAR(500)Product description
4priceINTEGERProduct price
5brand_idINTEGERBrand id Foreign key
Table: Products_categories | the relationship between products and categories is many to many. This is the intermediate table used to create the many to many relationship. The primary key is a composite key made up of the product_id and category_id.
1product_idINTEGERPrimary key [composite]
2category_idINTEGERPrimary key [composite]

E-Shop Transactions

Table: Customers | this table is populated when a customer signs up from the frontend
2nameVARCHAR(145)Customer name
3emailVARCHAR(145)Email address for the customer
4contact_numberVARCHAR(75)Contact number for the customer
5delivery_addressVARCHAR(750)Customer’s physical address for delivery
Table: Orders | this table is populated when a customer places an order from the frontend
2order_idVARCHAR(145)Auto generated order unique number
3transaction_dateTIMESTAMPDate that the order was placed
4customer_idINTEGERThe id for the customer who placed the order
5statusVARCHAR(45)Status can either be pending or processed
6total_amountINTEGERTotal amount of all items purchased
Table: Order_Details | this table contains detailed information about the order
2order_idVARCHAR(145)Programmatically generated order unique number
3product_idINTEGERProduct primary key value
4quantityINTEGERThe quantity of the ordered product
5priceINTEGERThe price of the product at the time of the order
6sub_totalINTEGERThe total of the quantity multiplied by the price

Frontend Data Entry

Table: Pages | frontend static pages i.e. about Larashop, privacy policy etc.
2titleVARCHAR(145)Page title
3meta_descriptionVARCHAR(145)Meta description displayed in search engines
4keywordsVARCHAR(75)Page keywords
5contentTEXTPage content
6published_atTIMESTAMPDate that the post was published
7user_idINTEGERThe id of the user who published the page
Table: Blog_Posts | blog posts
2titleVARCHAR(145)Blog post title
3meta_descriptionVARCHAR(145)Meta description displayed in search engines
4keywordsVARCHAR(75)Blog post keywords
5contentTEXTBlog post content
6published_atTIMESTAMPDate that the blog post was published
7user_idINTEGERThe id of the user who published the blog post

Laradmin Models and Migrations

Now that we have covered the basics of our database design, let’s get our hands dirty. This section assumes you successfully completed the previous tutorial. We will work with the same project that we created in the previous tutorial.
The following image shows the Eloquent ORM Object Relationship Diagram
Laravel Admin Panel ERD
  • Brand.php has a function products() that we will used to retrieve all products associated with a particular brand.
  • Product.php has a function brand() that we will use to retrieve product brand information
  • Product.php has a function categories() that we will use to retrieve all categories associated with a product
  • Category.php has a function products() that we will use to retrieve all products associated with a given category
Note: functions that return multiple records use plural names while functions that return a single record use singular names. This is considered a best practice.

Database configurations

Create a database laradmin in MySQL

Open laradmin/.env file
Update the connection parameters as follows
Save the changes
Creating models and migration files with one command
Open the command prompt / terminal and run the following command

cd C:\xampp\htdocs\laradmin
The above command assumes you have windows and XAMPP installed to drive C. you can modify the path if necessary to match the setup of your development machine
Let’s start with the model for the brands table. As a convention, the model name should be singular in Laravel while the table name should be plural.
Run the following command

php artisan make:model Brand m
  • artisan make:model Brand -m creates a model Brand. The parameter m tells artisan to also create the respective database migration file.
The model Brand.php will be created in the directory /laradmin/app/ while the migration file will be created in the directory /laradmin/database/migrations.
The following artisan will create the rest of the models and migration files required for now.

php artisan make:model Category -m
php artisan make:model Product -m
php artisan make:model ProductCategory -m

php artisan make:model Customer -m
php artisan make:model Order -m
php artisan make:model OrderDetail -m

php artisan make:model Page -m
php artisan make:model BlogPosts -m

Database migration files

Update the respective migration files as follows
open xxxxx_create_brands_table.php


use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateBrandsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('brands', function (Blueprint $table) {

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
open xxxxx_create_categories_table.php


use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateCategoriesTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('categories', function (Blueprint $table) {

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
open xxxxx_create_products_table.php


use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateProductsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {


     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
  • $table->unsignedInteger('brand_id'); creates the foreign key brand_id. Note we are using unsignedInteger as the data type. This is because schema builder increments uses unsignedInteger. If you use integer, creating the relationship will fail.
  • $table->foreign('brand_id')->references('id')->on('brands'); creates a relationship between products table and brands table using the id in brands and brand_id field in products table.
open xxxxx_create_product_categories_table.php


use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateProductCategoriesTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('product_categories', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->primary(array('product_id', 'category_id'));

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
  • $table->unsignedInteger('product_id'); $table->unsignedInteger('category_id'); creates two foreign keys namely product_id and category_id
  • $table->primary(array('product_id', 'category_id')); defines a composite primary key made up of product_id and category_id
Run the following artisan command to run the migration files

php artisan migrate

Laravel Eloquent one to many relationship

The models are responsible for interacting with our database. We used migration files to create the database tables and define the relationships. We will now create relationships between models.
Let’s start with the brand model
Open /laradmin/app/Brand.php
Replace the code with the following.


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Brand extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['name', 'remarks'];

    public function products()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Product');
  • protected $fillable = ['name', 'remarks']; specifies fields that can be mass assigned
  • public function products() { return $this->hasMany('App\Product'); }hasMany defines a one to many relationship between the brands table and products table. By default, Laravel will use brand_id as the foreign key in products table. Brand comes from the model name and it’s prefixed with _id to determine the foreign key brand_id. Alternatively, the relationship can be defined as return $this->hasMany('App\Product', 'foreign_key', 'local_key'); the latter is useful if the foreign and local keys do not follow the default Laravel conventions.
The inverse relationship definition in Product.php will be defined by the following function

public function brand()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\Brand');
  • $this->belongsTo('App\Brand'); defines the many to one relationship with the Brand model.

Laravel Eloquent many to many relationship

A single product can belong to more than one category and a single category can belong to more than one product. The nature of the relationship between products and categories is many to many. In our database design, we designed this relationship by introducing an intermediate table products_categories. We will now create a many to many relationship between Product and Category models via the intermediate table.
Open /laradmin/app/Product.php
Replace the code with the following


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Product extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['name', 'description','price','brand_id'];

    public function brand()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Brand');

    public function categories()
        return $this->belongsToMany('App\Category','product_categories','product_id','category_id');
  • $this->belongsToMany('App\Category','product_categories','product_id','category_id'); defines the many to many relationship with the Category model via the intermediate table product_categories. product_id is the local key and category_id is the foreign key.
Open /laradmin/app/Category.php
Replace the code with the following


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Category extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['name', 'remarks'];

    public function products()
        return $this->belongsToMany('App\Product','product_categories','category_id','product_id');

Laravel Tinker

Tinker is a command line utility that allows you to interact with the Laravel environment. It is a good tool for testing function without the use of the web browser.
Open the command prompt / terminal.
Assuming you are using windows and xampp, browse to the following directory

cd C:\xampp\htdocs\laradmin
Run the following artisan command to run tinker

php artisan tinker
You will be presented with the following console window
Laravel Tinker
Run the following command to create an instance of the Brand model

$brand = new App\Brand;
  • $brand = new App\Brand; creates a php object variable $brand and initializes it to an instance of the Brand model. Notice we included the namespace App for the model. That’s the beauty of tinker. You write plain PHP code and it will execute it for you in the Laravel environment
We could have seeded the database records but we will use tinker to add a few records.
Run the following command to create a brand record

$brand->name = "Chanel";
$brand->remarks = "It is pronounced as Shanel";
  • $brand->name = "Chanel"; assigns a value to the name field
  • $brand->remarks = "It is pronounced as Shanel"; assigns a value to the remarks field
  • $brand->save(); saves the new record into the database
You console window should now appear as follows
Laravel Tinker Eloquent Model
Let’s now see the contents of the brands table. Run the following command

The above command will give you the following results
Laravel Tinker Eloquent Model
If you check the database, you will be able to see the record. We will now add a new product with a brand_id of 1.
Run the following commands

$product = new App\Product;

$product->name = "T-Shirt";
$product->description = "Men's cool T-Shirt";
$product->name = "65";
$product->brand_id = "1";
Let’s now call the products method that we defined in the Brand model.
Run the following command

  • $brand::find(1)->products; retrieves the brand record with id 1 and lists all products that have the brand_id 1.
You will get the following results
Laravel Tinker Eloquent Model
Note: via the products method in Brand model, we are able to retrieve all products with brand_id 1. Try to add more products and call the products method of the Brand model.

Tutorial Challenge

The best way to learn is by doing it yourself. This challenge gives you an opportunity to implement the functionality that has been left out on purpose.
Challenge 1 [Simple]: use tinker to
  1. Create instance variables of Category model and create 2 to 3 categories.
  2. Populate the product_categories table with values that exist in both products and categories table
  3. Call the products method in the Category model to list all products associated with the category.
Challenge 2 [a bit complex compared to challenge 1]
  1. Write the code for the migration files for E-Shop Transactions and Frontend Data entry tables based on the database dictionary above. You have to create the relationships as well
  2. Define the relationships in the models.
  3. Use tinker to add test records and test retrieving records


Eloquent ORM makes it super easy for us to define relationships and retrieve data in an object oriented way. Tinker is a great tool that allows us to play with our models in development mode. This speeds up developing and testing the functionality.